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How To Continue An Exercise Routine For Life

Author: CG Training | | Categories: Fitness Classes , Fitness Studio , Group Fitness Training , Personal Training , Weight Loss

Learn how to continue an Exercise Routine for Life

When it comes to exercise, we think about how to “get” fit. But often, starting out is not the problem. The big problem is maintaining it! We all know we should be doing more, but how do we keep moving when our motivation slips, the weather takes a turn for the worse, or life gets in the way? As an expert in the field, CG Training has written down tips to help you continue an exercise routine for life. 

1. Have the right mindset and figure out your biggest reason/reasons that you exercise
You have to tell yourself that this is very important and can’t be put off or avoided. Think of yourself in the future and how healthy you want to be in your old age because the time to start is when you are younger. You are doing this for the future YOU, not the one doing the workout that day. This has been my constant motivator for the last almost 30 years. Even if I wasn’t a Personal Trainer, I would still be active because it makes me feel vibrant, young, and healthy.

2. Have goals
It is good to make goals that you can always strive for. You can do daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or all of them. This will keep you more focused and in the moment. E.g., I have run an eight-week weight loss challenge for five years now and have had many clients just keep entering to stay motivated and keep themselves accountable to themselves and me. Consistency is the most important factor in the longevity of exercise. You set a goal to work out three to five days a week, and you stick to it (unless you are injured or sick, but even then, get right back to it once your doctor says you can). Goals like adding a short walk every day mean you will always have fitness in your brain, a better digestive system, heart, lungs, etc. 

3. Maintain a schedule
You have your goals, and now you need to schedule time for yourself to accomplish them. You can’t leave it to chance or hope because this does not work. MAKE YOU A PRIORITY! This is hard for some people to do but is so necessary. This is your time to yourself and something you are doing to keep yourself healthy for yourself and everyone else. Make a schedule for every week, month, year, and decade.

4. Be persistent
Be proud of the days you workout, and don’t beat yourself up on the days you don’t. Life gets in the way, and you just have to remind yourself of steps one to three sometimes to get you re-centered. Keep a list of all the ways that exercise makes you feel and look, then keep reminding yourself why you do it. It has to truly come from you and no one else. You are in charge of your body and exercise routine, and ultimately you decide your future and your future reality! How will you look? How functional will you be at seventy-five, eighty, and even ninety? 

If you’re looking for a female personal trainer in Windsor, Ontario, reach out to CG Training.

I have been a Personal Trainer since 2004, working at Windsor gyms. I am a canfitpro personal trainer specialist and a level two fitness kickboxing specialist. I officially opened my Personal Training business in June 2012 so that I can offer my clients quality training at non-gym prices in a private relaxed environment. I offer personal and private one-on-one, partner, and group personal training as well as kickboxing at affordable prices to clients across Windsor, Essex, Tecumseh, LaSalle, and McGregor, Ontario.

To learn more about the services I offer, please click here. To get in touch with me, please click here.